This is the story of a great country's achievements in science, art, and sports, the chronicle of great victories on the battlefield, the conquest of space and Arctic ice in Soviet paintings, as well as modern feature films, documentaries, and TV series. These are on-air events dedicated to memorable dates and heroic pages in the chronicle of the life of USSR. Stories about people, their exploits, dedication and love for their Homeland — every day on the Victory Day TV channel.
TV views
Methods of delivering TV channels
«First HDTV»
MMTS-9 technology platform (M9, Moscow Intercity Telephone Exchange No. 9) located at 7 Butlerova street, Moscow.
UTP 6 connection line.
Should you be unable to connect via UTP 6 due to technical issues, the optical connection option will be specified for you separately.
DVB-IPTV format
SD stream:
HD stream:
&Ethernet 1 Gb/ full-duplex
Multicast UDP SPTS 5 Mbit, video MPEG4, audio stereo MPEG1 layer 2;
multicast UDP SPTS 12 Mbit, video MPEG4, audio stereo MPEG1 layer 2 +
Dolby Digital 5.1;